Dearborn Figure Skating Club's own Jenna Haidar and Bridget Mikiciuk both brought back Gold Medals to Dearborn after competing in the 2021 National Showcase Competition held at the Edora Ice Center in Fort Collins, CO.
Together with their amazing coaches, AnaLisa Mann and Lisa Taylor, they worked hard all year to prepare. They all travelled to Colorado on August 2nd to spent a week competing in this huge event.
Jenna won three Gold Medals in her Juvenile Division performances for Comedic Impressions, Interpretive, and Light Character Performance. She also won 2 Silver Medals for her Choreographic Artistry and Dramatic Performance.
Jenna wins Gold for her Light Character Performance
Jenna with her Coaches, Lisa Taylor (left) and AnaLisa Man (right)
1st Place for her Comedic Impressions performance
Bridget won her Gold Medal for her wonderful Preliminary Comedic Impressions routine.
Both Skaters had the honor of performing in the Parade of Champions on the final day of the competition.